A dog really cares about its owner!
Dogs try to save their owner when he is in need. Even if they have not been trained for this. This is shown in a study of 60 dogs by the University of Arizona.
In the test, each owner was locked in a large box with a lightweight door that could be pushed aside by the dog. The owners pretended to be upset and shouted "help". They were not allowed to call their dog by name because it would help out of obedience and not out of concern.
A third of the dogs came to rescue their owner. Bourg researcher found this very impressive.
What was striking was that the dogs that did not come to rescue their owner became very upset. They wanted it but did not understand what to do, concluded fellow researcher Clive Wynne. It wasn't because they didn't care about their boss.
To verify the result, the researchers also looked at what happened when the owner locked up in the box read quietly from a magazine. Then fewer dogs opened the door. This means that the dogs not only save their owner because they want to be around him.
Even when the researchers put food in the box, fewer dogs opened the box than when the owner called for help.
So dogs really care about their owner!